Dark Clan Forum

Unreal Tournament 3 => Homepage => Topic started by: VegasKill on Sun 28.02.2010 17:30:30

Title: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: VegasKill on Sun 28.02.2010 17:30:30
I'm configuring a popup for our main hp site. The purpose is to see what maps are played on your fave servers and who is playing there.
What servers would you like to have on the list?


Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: Bloody.Bender on Sun 28.02.2010 17:39:45
Jolt, DoS, Raptor-Squad, FA2k-BTA server.

Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: aka_sova on Sun 28.02.2010 17:52:22
Jolt, DoS, Raptor-Squad, FA2k-BTA server.
+1, also PHX BTA servers.

Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: DeadlySev on Sun 28.02.2010 19:46:34
maybe flashkick ( best tdm server i know)

Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: VegasKill on Sun 28.02.2010 20:34:25
Phx is listed on gametracker, but fa2k isn't, and it can't be added by me for whatever reason (port12000 wrong? bah...)

Raptor squad: 'our Raptor-Squad servers went down at 15-2.
And for a time it looks like it stops for UT3.....But it isn't.'

But their server ain't on gt nor do I know their ip.

Flashkick works fine!

Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: VegasKill on Sun 28.02.2010 21:57:21
Function enabled on the main site (http://www.ut3darkclan.com/index.php)


Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: DeineLtan on Sun 28.02.2010 22:15:01
RaW & Fick Public servers!

Dont forget us newcomers! 
We're here and we're hungry! :)))

Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: VegasKill on Sun 28.02.2010 22:26:19
First reg your servers on gametracker.com ...I'm not going to claim the ownership for your servers. ;)

Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: DeadlySev on Mon 01.03.2010 05:51:27
Nice Vegas!  Like everything u do^^

Maybe we should add the bunnyhop or instagib servers too....much guys are playing there....and a option to see what´s ur rank on the server....


Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: m4rt1ni on Mon 01.03.2010 10:19:28
 msn008.gif rly nice AND useful

Now I don't have to start up the game only to find that all the servers are empty ;)

Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: VegasKill on Mon 01.03.2010 12:43:52
Nice Vegas!  Like everything u do^^

...bunnyhop or instagib servers
No problem. If you want some specific server, send me links from it on gametracker.com (you can also try to register servers there, if you know the ip)

Fa2k doesn't work, because it can't be regged on gt, and gamemonitor (where it is actually listed!) needs an additional user account to embed on homepages (as you see, nothing shows up after a few hours of 'trial').

Griazi xD

Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: DeineLtan on Mon 01.03.2010 18:38:45
hmm, I think I even tried but couldn't register our server on gametracker because we only have this address (plusq.game-server.cc:7777) and no static IP. I guess here it ends... msn006.gif

Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: Bloody.Bender on Tue 30.03.2010 19:00:59
Jo1t doesn't work anymore =/

Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: VegasKill on Tue 30.03.2010 19:24:16
will fix it afterwards... just start up ma gaming machine to record the bkrt kargo match.  smiley_x0.gif

Title: Re: Gametracker server infos on hp
Post by: DeadlySev on Tue 30.03.2010 19:29:36
HURA11einself!!!! will be great^^like every vid