Dark Clan Forum

Unreal Tournament 3 => Expansions, Mods and Mutators => Topic started by: aka_sova on Tue 08.09.2009 13:36:38

Title: EAD-Impaler!
Post by: aka_sova on Tue 08.09.2009 13:36:38
Download:  http://www.fileplanet.com/199707/190000/fileinfo/EAD-Impaler-%28Weapon%29 (http://www.fileplanet.com/199707/190000/fileinfo/EAD-Impaler-%28Weapon%29)

You have stinger, that throws arrows. Those arrows pin enemies to walls in very strong way. Enemy flies with arrow through all the map and if he wasn't killed you can do it by exploding your arrow! You can also make arrow barrier and explode it when enemy comes close it's also funny  Crazysmile1


Title: Re: EAD-Impaler!
Post by: aka_sova on Tue 08.09.2009 17:58:53
cmon guys it's only 23 kb!!!

Title: Re: EAD-Impaler!
Post by: ShockYourSenses on Sat 19.09.2009 12:57:13
Sounds funny   :)