I ve found this info for crysis 2 and the engine behind(Cryengine 3). In the article they said that even the unreal engine 4 canot run this game. At the and of the article they say that gears of war 3 will run on unreal engine 4. So the question is, can we expect a new UT next year....:D??...also, i dont think that Gears will run on engine 4. what do u think??
i just read on the offical forum that u cant jump, just slide..is this true?!?!?i dont know, the more i read about the game the less i am conviced to buy it.....
i see...so i will have to dl both and try them. But for what i saw i am more into crysis at least it has competitive multyplayer even if it has campers..beter then slowmotion and no competitive multiplayer. Beside....only unreal is unreal, and i have to entertain my self till next UT
I still think that this is a game for like 20 hours..am i wrong? Assassin what do u think of crysis 2? Wich of the 2 has more potencial in terms of replay value? I thought to try the demo for crysis 2 but i thinh u have to preorder tge game...wich is lame...