Dark Clan Forum

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1  Guests Area / Software & Driver / Hello ^^ on: Sat 18.12.2010 02:20:16

Me and my friend released our first application to nokias ovi store.

here it is in the ovi store:


I think bloody is still in school and he might need it ^^
2  Guests Area / Screenshots / Re: haha Bishop on: Sat 13.06.2009 08:48:58
I h8 dueling :D

thanks vegas for your kind words ^^

LMAO on mordspass picture, but its definetly photoshopped

3  Guests Area / Hardware / Re: What Graphics Card Do you guys have? on: Sat 13.06.2009 08:38:26

Mouse: Razer Diamondback 1600 dpi

Just a normal keyboard after I broke my Razer Tarantula Gaming Keyboard (who knew it would beak if u hit it whilst playing ut3?

Motherboard: Asus P5KC Intel P35
Power supply: Antec NeoPower 650W
Ram: 4g
Graphics: GeForce 8800GTX 768mb
Screen: Samsung Syncmaster 24 inch 1920x1200
thats it ^^

4  Guests Area / Screenshots / Re: haha Bishop on: Sun 24.05.2009 00:14:46
I suck man =(

never again will i have 0 kills after we duel lady mordspass
5  Unreal Tournament 3 / Homepage / Re: New _Dark_ homepage on: Sun 10.05.2009 15:16:22
6  Unreal Tournament 3 / Clan Matches - unofficial / Re: Want a Friendly / Training War? on: Sun 10.05.2009 15:06:52
I can play today!!!
7  Guests Area / Movies / Re: What was the last movie you watched? on: Fri 01.05.2009 20:26:11
I saw Knocked Up from my computer at 720p And last time in cinema I saw Fast And The furiois new one
Today I will go see State Of Play to the cinema with ben afleck and russel crow
8  Guests Area / Movies / Re: Your favourite movies, ever on: Fri 01.05.2009 20:24:22
I've liked

Forrest Gump
The Dawn Of The Dead (the new one)
All James Cameron movies
All the Alien movies (I got my nickname bishop from them the android is named bishop=)
Back To The Future
and lots and lots of others :D:D
9  Guests Area / Videos / Re: nice tv to play ut3 on x) on: Tue 21.04.2009 12:09:12
dont know  msn011.gif
10  Guests Area / Videos / nice tv to play ut3 on x) on: Mon 20.04.2009 23:14:08
The Philips Cinema 21:9 LCD TV 56PFL9954H

11  Unreal Tournament 3 / Dark Clan & Unreal Tournament 3 / Re: New member: DarklyBishop on: Sun 12.04.2009 19:35:15
My trial felt like an eternity!
now i am glad ^^
12  Unreal Tournament 3 / Dark Clan & Unreal Tournament 3 / Re: New Leader/I retreat :( on: Wed 01.04.2009 16:25:42
asshole! I totally bought that :D:D:D  i will own your bitch ass next time we play
13  Unreal Tournament 3 / Dark Clan & Unreal Tournament 3 / Re: New member: DarklyBishop on: Fri 27.03.2009 23:56:13
Hello everybody!

Whadup?! :)

greetings and salutations! I believe I am the newest dark. I come bearing gifts and bribery to increase my welcomeness of the widely lusted dark membership. My gift is my awesome personality Grin and as for the bribery you get to just talk to me... I know you are very excited now, but its only fair even tho it seems you want to give me more for my generosity.

Ive just resigned from Msf..

"Im following in sikes footsteps by that I mean I'm off to join annother clan not the one sike is joining but one known as _Dark_ Ive been thinkn about this a while now since I'm at their TS all the time and become good friends with over 10 players. In msf i only talk to with Hegii blackfrost and light. Now that Mordspass is their clan leader he said I cant be in their ts withour being dark so that kinda pushed me over to join them at this moment. You've all been great!

I hereby tender my resignation with immediate effect :'(


history about my gaming:

I started my 3d shooting gameing experience from Doom to Duke Nukem to Quake (first internet gameing) to UT1, ut2 (havent played ut2 much) and UT3.

Thats it...  Dont be strangers!


14  Unreal Tournament 3 / Say hi here! / Re: Say 'hi' here! on: Sun 07.12.2008 03:19:24

About me: I am 29 years old and I'm from Finland. I speak English, Finnish and Swedish.

My Games: I started my 3d shooting gameing experience from Doom to Duke Nukem to Quake (first internet gameing) to UT1, ut2 and UT3.
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