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1  Unreal Tournament 3 / Dark Clan & Unreal Tournament 3 / Re: Having fun with Bombing run! on: Wed 01.07.2009 17:58:40
BR should have deffinitely been a gametype on release of UT3

2  Unreal Tournament 3 / Dark Clan & Unreal Tournament 3 / Re: fee/good alias on: Thu 18.06.2009 07:43:04
Unfortunately, this guy either knows i can track him on MPUK/Epic, or is just banned/doesn't play there anyway under this nick.
3  Guests Area / Hardware / Re: What Graphics Card Do you guys have? on: Sat 13.06.2009 23:23:51
I only have 500W atm but am upgrading. I do not intend to crossfire my 4890, atleast not in the near future.
4  Guests Area / Hardware / Re: What Graphics Card Do you guys have? on: Sat 13.06.2009 16:33:29
have it

5  Guests Area / Hardware / Re: What Graphics Card Do you guys have? on: Fri 12.06.2009 23:17:11
The HD4890 just went down in price, so i buy that instead.

This time round, looks like i stay ATi, just because of the massive price drop, only £10 more than a GTX260 now. Also shorter than a GTX 260 - so will fit in my case easier.

All benchmarks seem to indicate that it runs faster than a GTX 260 anyway.
6  Unreal Tournament 3 / Dark Clan & Unreal Tournament 3 / Re: Automatic Bindings on: Wed 10.06.2009 14:38:24
The "Hammer jump" bind is a joke, it is easier to hammerjump the old fassion way.

7  Guests Area / Hardware / Re: What Graphics Card Do you guys have? on: Wed 10.06.2009 14:36:20
Heh i just started a topic on LoL forums (few hours ago) about graphics card family tree before i read that you had already started one here.

I usually upgrade once a year, sometimes more if i have the money.

the cards i have owned are in the first post of this http://leaveorlose.darkbb.com/general-discussion-and-media-f7/your-graphics-card-family-tree-t50.htm

that isn't all of them, but i can't remember the ones i had ~ 10 years ago, when my dad built my PC's xD
8  Guests Area / Hardware / Re: What Graphics Card Do you guys have? on: Wed 10.06.2009 12:14:26
Yes Toxic / vapor-x is a special card from Sapphire.

Custom cooling, looks better than stock, factory overclocked, longer warranty (Normally)

At the end of the day, graphics card choice  comes down to preference, everyone wants to look at reviews and have someone choose for them, eventually you just have to bite the bullet and spend the cash.

This time i am going green rather than red, prices are good at the moment, and i need a new card now i have sold my old one and stuck my 3870 back in.
9  Unreal Tournament 3 / Joining _Dark_ Clan / Re: could join Dark on: Tue 09.06.2009 19:26:36
Not my affair, but on ClanBase you are a member of STR1K3R

Then don't supply info waste and we wait 4 answers from predator himself.

Not "info waste" if there is proof on clan base of being in another clan.
10  Guests Area / Hardware / Re: What Graphics Card Do you guys have? on: Tue 09.06.2009 18:37:21
So far i think GTX 260 - i hate having another 4 days to change my mind

Its starting to annoy - i still am not sure what to get :(

11  Guests Area / Hardware / Re: What Graphics Card Do you guys have? on: Tue 09.06.2009 14:14:35
I get a new graphics card on average once a year, so by 2012, i will have what ever is good for the price then. Also, im still on XP - i have no use for DX10/11, i don't like Vista, im waiting for Windows 7.

When windows 7 is released, my PC specs will ge good enough anyway, but i will probably get a DX11 card sometime late next year, maybe i will come back to ATi, but i was really dissapointed in my 4850X2. Anyway, i sell that on friday for £150. ATi are good cards, but nVidia still seem to be a bit ahead.

It boils down to Opinion. Everyone has an opinion, i prefer to see the facts, the FPS, the temperature, the cards size. - Obviously, it will differ dependant on the rest of the system which is why i choose to look at reviews as close to the specification as my PC. It looks like the 260 is just ahead of the 4870 at the same price. Also the one im getting is factory overclocked and has a different cooler than stock. So its a good buy IMO.
12  Unreal Tournament 3 / Joining _Dark_ Clan / Re: could join Dark on: Tue 09.06.2009 13:16:24
Not my affair, but on ClanBase you are a member of STR1K3R

13  Guests Area / Hardware / Re: What Graphics Card Do you guys have? on: Tue 09.06.2009 13:15:33
eww ATi


Only joking, i was ATi fanboy until now - i want to make use of PhysX, CUDA and Ambient Occlusion, only on nVidia ^^

If you read epic forums - too many people have problems with ATi cards and Unreal Engine games (Mostly UT3) but my card had problems with older games like Deus Ex (Unreal Engine 1) and UT99/UT1 Return to na Pali. Even some games like Quake 2 crashed eventually. im not sure if nVidia will provide better for the older games i play (Less crashes) but hopefully it will be more stable for UT3, as nVidia is recommended (For most games i might add)

I just want to try something different, and it looks like, nVidia provides better AA and AF, ATi cards seem to struggle when you turn AA and AF on (4870 Lot less frames compared to the 260 @ 1680x1050/4AA/8AF/Max Settings) But with no AA and no AF - 4870 and 260 are equal, but cost the same anyway.
14  Guests Area / Hardware / Re: What Graphics Card Do you guys have? on: Tue 09.06.2009 09:43:22
I get this http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-104-GW

On saturday

Was thinking a 4870 but i want to try nVidia for a change. ATi does have problems with UT3 especially, such as frame drops when you are at a teleporter and other crap. I've not had so many problems with my 4850X2 but 2 GPU seem to have problems with other games, so i sell it and get nVidia for a change :)

15  Unreal Tournament 3 / Dark Clan & Unreal Tournament 3 / Re: DarkRobin on: Sun 07.06.2009 21:22:52
Your english is appalling. How's that for News
16  Unreal Tournament 3 / Dark Clan & Unreal Tournament 3 / Re: DarkRobin on: Sat 06.06.2009 20:31:59
People have a right to know if they are playing with an asshole (Like doom100) that will never change

People usually make an alias to hide something. if theres nothing to hide then you shouldn't mind being exposed.
17  Unreal Tournament 3 / Clan Matches / Re: $hadow Soldiers [2] vs [10] Dark, 25 may 09 on: Mon 01.06.2009 22:16:22
Second video, music really doesnt fit xD
18  Unreal Tournament 3 / Clan Matches / Re: $hadow Soldiers [2] vs [10] Dark, 25 may 09 on: Mon 01.06.2009 20:36:21
Probably one of the best videos you have done, vegas.
19  Unreal Tournament 3 / Dark Clan & Unreal Tournament 3 / Re: Thank you! on: Fri 29.05.2009 15:58:40
He will be back XD

Nightmare not posting on _Dark_ forums is like basher-king without a clan
20  Unreal Tournament 3 / Dark Clan & Unreal Tournament 3 / Re: $aVA_ON is now OFF (Epic and Multiplay servers) :D on: Thu 28.05.2009 23:20:03
Laup i think he means. And Laup does not befriend assholes. Laup is a respected admin and player among the UT3 community, most notably known for his gracious admining, he only bans when completely necessary. He will resort to a kick as the last method of punishment, First he will try to convince what they are doing is wrong.

Laup usually is a vCTF player. Not greatly active, he has a family.

$ava is only gone for a week
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