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Author Topic: Rypel Cam for UT3  (Read 75860 times)
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« on: Fri 03.12.2010 20:10:36 »

RypelCam downloads for UT3 attached to this post.
RypelCam homepage: http://rypelcam.ut3darkclan.com/

For RypelCam installation instructions please see the included RypelCam tutorial.

Changes from 3.17 to 3.16:

- fixed first person view sometimes showing wrong weapons in server demos
- fixed over-twisting camera after repositioning cam points ('Z')
- delete cam points:
 -- set the viewpoint on any cam point to delete it with 'numpad 4'
 -- if no cam point is selected, the last cam point is deleted
- replay mode
 -- player movements are monitored and can be replicated
 -- [page down]: rewind / pause game and activate replay mode
 -- [page up]: fastforward
 -- remove pause: exit replay mode and resume the demo playback
 -- chronological order of cam points:
  --- created cam points have the replay mode time
  --- insert cam points to the camera path or new first cam point (time-depending)
 -- timed path mode is compatible:
  --- edit or preview camera path simultaneously to the replay mode
  --- red circle indicates the camera position
 -- replay mode limitations:
  --- cam points 1 to 4 require increasing chronological order (until camera path turns visible)
  --- projectiles, first person view, particles and further effects are excluded from replay mode
  --- changes are applied directly to the original players, ignoring if driving a vehicle or not
  --- no use of the physics engine, players remain static, movements are not interpolated
  --- lack of players who are not available or spawned at the replay mode end time
  --- time based processes may encounter problems while rewinding
   ---- spectator may detach and quickly move away from the player during rewind
   ---- flaws in reverse UT3 HUD animations

Changelog of previous RypelCam releases:

Changes from 3.16 to 3.15:

- revised camera path functions
  - no more calculation lag up to the maximum of 800 cam points
  - stable camera path processing, no 'out of bounds' crash
- material shader:
  - improved contrast detection nodes in Epic's sobel edge shader, less black areas
  - alternative edge detection shader by Anna Zajaczkowski
- client demos are now compatible for collada (.dae) export
- buffer frames retrieve more accurate data for C4D/Blender .dae export
- start demos paused
  - works for client demos
  - start menu closes automatically
- RypelCam 315 related bugfix: timed path start time saves correctly
- UT3 related bugfixes:
  - roll rotation for serverside demos
  - client demo shows correct first person weapons
  - client demo removes first person arms
  - first person viewtarget no longer changes to 'head gib' after headshot death

Changes from 3.15 to 3.14:

- added a RypelCam menu [R]
- access to postprocess effects (Depth of Field, Bloom, Color Correction)
- support for custom shader materials with dynamic parameters
- fixed minimap for server side demos
- option to always show the flags on minimap
- option to set a custom Field Of View angle for the spectator
- Client side demos: free cam will appear at the location of the previous view target
- 'avoidphysicsbug' consolecommand: keeps the first person view working despite a rare client demo bug
- Separate saving/loading system in case there is no camera path to save or load
- Remember user settings:
 -- custom FOV
 -- whether to use first person view or third person view [right control]
 -- whether to lock the third person view to inputs of spectated players
 -- smoothness of locked view rotation
 -- whether the camera should stop on the path when the game pauses or not (manual timing only)

Changes from 3.14 to 3.13:

- fix: array enumeraion assures proper sequence of points along the camera path
- fix: rcam camera rotation no longer affects the playercontroller in client demos

Changes from 3.13 to 3.12:

- asynchronous cam path calculation
- dynamic arrays for cam points
- over 500 cam points can be placed
- smoother locked behindview rotation

Changes from 3.12 to 3.11:

- dumpframes: data export for the 3D animation software Blender and Cinema4D
 -- Camera informations are saved for every screenshot
 -- Collada project files are created in: My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\User
 -- 3D data is consistent with Unreal Editor map exports (formats: fbx, dae, stl, obj)
- client demos:
 -- [numpad zero]: relative camera also follows players in vehicles
 -- [X]+[MouseScrollWheel Down]: spectate available players (first person view without weapon model)
 -- fix: removed influence of roll rotation; no longer active if cam points are set
 -- red hit damage effects are removed automatically
- [X]+[R]: cycle through different render views
- modifications to RCam HUD (fontsize, playback speed indication)
- Relative camera: the currently watched player will be the first view target

Changes from 3.11 to 3.10:

- switch players: 'X'+'Scrollwheel'
- view previous player: 'X'+'Leftmousebutton'
- follow target with relative camera
   - select player: 'numpad 0'
   - select projectile: 'numpad 6'
- orbit projectile: 'X'+'numpad 6'
- HUD update (time & player names)
- restored 'p': pausing the demo affects camera
- removed unused classes

Changes from 3.10 to 3.09:

- bugfix: set rotation of the first four cam points
- modified spec cam speeds
- 'Numpad 6' follows projectiles
 -- Movements generate a relative offset between camera and projectile locations
- 'Numpad 6'+'X' follows projectiles as in prior Rypel Cam versions (rotation centers projectile)

Changes from 3.09 to 3.08:

- enhanced funcion dumpframes():
 -- enabled roll for timed paths
 -- 'dumpfps' consolecommand sets the recording fps for dumpframe records (default: 'dumpfps 30')
 -- 'dumpres' consolecommand sets the tiledshot value for dumpframe records (default: 'dumpres 1')
 -- configurable fps rate and tiledshot factor in UTRypelcam.ini
  --- [RCam309.CamHUD] 'tiledshot_factor=30'
  --- [RCam309.CamHUD] 'dumpframes_tiledshot_factor=1'

- camera update functions migrated from timer() to tick()
 -- camera continuously updates in 'Rcam Mode'
 -- updates are decoupled from the demo time
  --- smooth camera location & rotation updates, also in slowmotion ('arrow left', 'arrow right')
  --- slow motion changes do not affect the camera speed
  --- camera properties (speed, roll, fov settings) operate slightly different

- triggerable spline update function
 -- 'update' consolecommand toggles the camera path to update only when required
 -- [RCam309.CamControl] 'do_not_update_Spline' in UTRypelcam.ini
 -- Camera paths can be saved ('F4') without prior spline update

- tick functions migrated from Interaction class [CamHUD] to actor class [RCamDecalmanager]
 -- follow projectile & dumpframes functions are executed also in paused mode
 -- Dumpframes function in pause modus enables rotation.roll

- function 'startpaused' pauses the demo right at the beginning
 -- UTRypelcam.ini: [RCam309.CamHUD] 'bstartpaused=true'
 -- 'startpaused' consolecommand toggles setting ('F4' saves to UTRypelcam.ini)

- 'mouse X' consolecommand sets the mouse sensitivity to the value X (different from ut3 input settings)
 -- example (default value): 'mouse 30'

- 'middle mouse button' sets cam points (same as 'numpad five')
- 'F' toggles pause (same as 'arrow down')
- recommended cam point distance shown on HUD
- cam path progress (%) shown on HUD
- restored targetlook (enable: 'numpad multiply', settarget: 'numpad zero')
- camera interferences (e.g. due to mouse movement) are prevented during rcam mode or while viewing cam points
- 'right mouse button': free cam appears near the spectated player before changing to free cam mode
- 'right mouse button': Camera view remains unaltered when leaving the rcam mode or viewing cam points
- BlendedTargetViewRotation() interpolates the rotation of players in locked behindview more fluidly
- fixed hud cc access error while in vehicles
- fixed cc access error in [Knoten]
- help menue ('F1') is shown only if scoreboard is hidden
- updated on-hud help informations
- client demos: do not exit free cam mode when player enters vehicle
- removed: 'TimedPathPawnName', 'fixedfps' and 'tpdelta' variables

Changes from 3.08 to 3.07:

- fixed error on accessing 'CC'
- added locked view in 3rd person based on player's viewpoint for players and Vehicles (replaced with serversided demos, 'L')
- enhanced the spectate projectile function (Numpad 6)
   the W and S keys smoothly change the spectating distance
   eased access to the function
- replaced spline texture

Changes from 3.07 to 3.06:

- increased maximum number of cam points to 120
- Manually synchronize the camera with Numpad+ and Numpad- during a timed path
- 'tpstart (opt. speed) (opt. time correction)' consolecommand loads and prepares a timed path scene.
   Automates the steps of loading a cam path (like F5), enabling the timed path mode, fast forwarding until the timed path start time, hiding the rcam HUD and the UT3 HUD.
   If the optional variable speed is not set, the demo will fast forward at 2x speed until 2 secods before the timed path start time.
   If the optional variable time correction is set, the camera will start the timed path earlier (negative variable) or later respectively to the original timed path start.
      tpstart 4 -0.25      
- updated RypelCam HUD informations
- Removed the option to change the timedpath start time in Config/UTRypelCam.ini

Changes from 3.06 to 3.05:

- updated RypelCam HUD informations
- increased maximum number of cam points to 98
- Change the timedpath start time in Config/UTRypelCam.ini:
- Restored left mousebutton functionality to switch players (serverside demos only)
- 3rd person view unlocked (serverside demos only, 'L' to lock)
- improved FOV/Roll alteration speed.
- Num7 and num8 keys work while pressed now.
- Numpad 6 follows projectiles, if any. Set the viewing distance with 1-9 keys.
- Camera path is automatically hidden if the rcam starts
- 'hit' consolecommand removes the red hit damage effect
- 'beep' consolecommand removes message beep sounds
- improved "toggleMovieMode" consolecommand:
   fixed the boots and armor offset,
   vehicle and powerup icons can be hidden,
   character portraits removed,
   minimap removed (non functional in demos)
- removed timedpath position check
- removed the function to override flagtimes in the UTRypelcam.ini from the key 'B'

Changes from 3.05 to 3.04:

- improved "toggleMovieMode" consolecommand. It now also disables the Clock and the Armor/Armorguy display in the lower left.
  (see Changes below about the new console commands introduced in 3.04)

Changes from 3.04 to 3.03:

- Added 2 new console commands:
    - "seekTo x y z", where x stands for Minutes, 'y' for seconds and 'z' for the fastforward-speed you wish to use. Be aware that a value for 'z'
       greater than 10 might cause the clock to lag. This can result in seekTo ending too early. Experiment a bit to find the greates value that still works good on your PC.
    - "toggleMovieMode", use this command to toggle between full hud and minimal hud details in firstperson mode. Minimal hud-details usually look better in a fraggmovie.

Changes from 3.03 to 3.02:

- Addressed compatibility issues with Demos that were recorded on a server with UTComp.
   - Note that RypelCam still wont work with Clientside demos that were recorded before UT3 Patch 2.0 even though UTComp already supported Clientside demos
     before UT3 Patch 2.0 came out. This wont be fixed since RypelCam needs the extra functionality that was added in UT3 Patch 2.0 to work correctly.  

Changes from 3.02 to 3.0 Beta 1:

- From this Version on, when installing RypelCam (see Tutorial for detailed install steps)
, you need to change the UTGame.ini entry for every new Release. For this Release it is "DecalManagerClassPath=RCam302.RCamDecalManager"

- Fixed: freecam movement in serverside demos
- Improved smootheness of Cams a bit

* Rcam3.03.zip (98.27 KB - downloaded 319 times.)
* Rcam3.05.zip (99.35 KB - downloaded 286 times.)
* Rcam3.06.zip (70.28 KB - downloaded 251 times.)
* Rcam3.07.zip (61.19 KB - downloaded 251 times.)
* Rcam3.08.zip (62.36 KB - downloaded 231 times.)
* Rcam3.09.zip (68.84 KB - downloaded 243 times.)
* Rcam3.10.zip (72.03 KB - downloaded 241 times.)
* Rcam3.11.zip (69.31 KB - downloaded 267 times.)
* Rcam3.12.zip (48.14 KB - downloaded 261 times.)
* Rcam3.13.zip (72.12 KB - downloaded 251 times.)
* Rcam3.14.zip (47.02 KB - downloaded 388 times.)
* Rcam3.15.zip (328.68 KB - downloaded 381 times.)
* Rcam3.16.zip (346.92 KB - downloaded 402 times.)
* Rcam3.17.zip (306.53 KB - downloaded 892 times.)
« Last Edit: Fri 31.05.2013 23:10:56 by VegasKill »

Mess with the best, die like the rest
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« Reply #1 on: Fri 03.12.2010 20:11:37 »

The RypelCam developers at the current time are:
« Last Edit: Sat 01.06.2013 00:15:53 by VegasKill »

Mess with the best, die like the rest
Multikill Member
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« Reply #2 on: Fri 03.12.2010 20:56:27 »

- increased maximum number of cam points to 98

- 'hit' consolecommand removes the red hit damage effect
- 'beep' consolecommand removes message beep sounds

-maybe a new vid from vegasKill ? : D

what this means :
- removed the function to override flagtimes in the UTRypelcam.ini from the key 'B'

Dark Clan Member
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« Reply #3 on: Fri 03.12.2010 21:03:19 »

Pro Threadpost! Pro Editing! I ♥ Vegas!  tongue

Gonna tell kixzooooor Wink

Let them say I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these names never die. Let them say I lived in the time of Narcisuss, sculptor of physiques. Let them say I lived in the time of Zyzz.
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« Reply #4 on: Fri 03.12.2010 21:23:15 »

@DarkHunteR: 98 cam points - I wasn't able to compile beyond 100.
Since counting begins at 0, 99-1 is the maximum for now. (it's on the To Do list)

'override flagtimes' was a feature in the previous rcam versions, its use is rather doubtful to be justified. If active (b key), moving cam points (Z key) did overwrite not only the cam point's location, but also its creation time - with a very high probability to make the timedpath unusable.

Mess with the best, die like the rest
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« Reply #5 on: Fri 03.12.2010 21:31:30 »

@DarkHunteR: 98 cam points - I wasn't able to compile beyond 100.
Since counting begins at 0, 99-1 is the maximum for now. (it's on the To Do list)

'override flagtimes' was a feature in the previous rcam versions, its use is rather doubtful to be justified. If active (b key), moving cam points (Z key) did overwrite not only the cam point's location, but also its creation time - with a very high probability to make the timedpath unusable.

i bless u on your work man afrodd.gif

98 cam points is very good :)
79 was very "bad" for me :(
and tnx for your little guide.. i understand it so tnx alot again! :)
« Last Edit: Fri 03.12.2010 21:32:45 by DarkHunteR »
Mr. Massacre
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UT3 Fick Clan

« Reply #6 on: Sun 05.12.2010 15:05:35 »

Vegas, i can't see what's the point of the demowatcher.
it's supposed to allow us to watch demos without opening UT3? well if it is, it doesn't work for me.

The demos now have a little green ut2k4 icon, but when i click them, nothing happens, except that a new file called "teh demo" is created, with the green icon aswell. but nothing really happens.

do i need to change something? in the rypelcam 3.06 it says "if you install demowatcher you have to make the same change UTGame.ini"  Which same change?


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« Reply #7 on: Sun 05.12.2010 15:36:34 »

@joaoFCB: Yes, the demowatcher starts the demoplayback if you doubleclick a demo file, supposed you installed it correctly (it asks about the ut3.exe directory, I think).

PS, but for me the rkdemowatcher starts the demos with the correct rcam version even if I don't update the files in the ut3 installation directory, but only those in 'MyDocuments'. Seems it is not needed, the html-turorial inside the rcam download should get an update.

Mess with the best, die like the rest
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« Reply #8 on: Mon 06.12.2010 18:19:23 »

I got some feedback from Kixzor (Failien  smiley_clap.gif smiley_worship.gif)  . He rly loves it, he told me that its so much easier to record now and all the annoying bugs are fixed and etc. etc. etc.

He's kinda sad that he couldn't record previous kills with it, though.   msn011.gif
« Last Edit: Mon 06.12.2010 18:21:31 by Bloody.Bender »

Let them say I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these names never die. Let them say I lived in the time of Narcisuss, sculptor of physiques. Let them say I lived in the time of Zyzz.
Mr. Massacre
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« Reply #9 on: Mon 06.12.2010 22:40:29 »

Okay, only 98 campoints ?!? msn004.gif ... i have take this version & will test it... , thanks  afrodd.gif


"There is no knowledge, that is no power"
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« Reply #10 on: Mon 06.12.2010 22:57:34 »

Okay, only 98 campoints ?!? msn004.gif ... i have take this version & will test it... , thanks  afrodd.gif
Yes, and I don't know how many could make sense.

Probably rcam recalculates the whole list of present cam points instead of just the last one. That's just a presumption for now, didn't check that code yet - but at an increasing number of cam points it begins to lag more and more when you add a new cam point... and ut3 becomes instable.

Mess with the best, die like the rest
Mr. Massacre
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« Reply #11 on: Mon 06.12.2010 23:14:00 »

Really??? with the version 3.05, in my last videoS, i always used 79 campoints... for the Video of DeadlySev too ^^ & i don't see something wrong...  Crazysmile1
I stop talking & will acting ^^


"There is no knowledge, that is no power"
Mr. Massacre
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« Reply #12 on: Tue 07.12.2010 20:04:41 »

Well 1st action done with rypelcam 3.06  Grin

1/ Restored left mousebutton functionality to switch players (serverside demos only)  afrodd.gif
2/ 3rd person view unlocked  afrodd.gif with vehicule too ^^
3/ Num7 and num8 keys work while pressed now  afrodd.gif
4/ I have accelerate the demo (right arrow X4), doing my campoints, reload the demo, accelerate the demo (right arrow X4) & stop just before the action and ... OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG it works !!!!!!  afrodd.gif (with only 30 cam points)

We will win a lot of time to create videos now  afrodd.gif


"There is no knowledge, that is no power"
Dark Clan Member
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« Reply #13 on: Tue 07.12.2010 21:43:48 »

MY UT crashes, after I installed RC306

Let them say I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these names never die. Let them say I lived in the time of Narcisuss, sculptor of physiques. Let them say I lived in the time of Zyzz.
Dark Clan Member
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« Reply #14 on: Tue 07.12.2010 22:04:48 »

Nevermind. Works now^^

Let them say I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these names never die. Let them say I lived in the time of Narcisuss, sculptor of physiques. Let them say I lived in the time of Zyzz.
Multikill Member
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« Reply #15 on: Tue 07.12.2010 22:14:22 »

Nevermind. Works now^^

what u did ??
i install it and it dident worrk :(

i dont see the green part in a demo
the green part of rypelCAm..
Dark Clan Member
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« Reply #16 on: Tue 07.12.2010 22:30:38 »

I didn't do anything. I just followed the instructions and after restarting UT3 2 times it worked Wink

Let them say I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these names never die. Let them say I lived in the time of Narcisuss, sculptor of physiques. Let them say I lived in the time of Zyzz.
Mr. Massacre
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UT3 Fick Clan

« Reply #17 on: Wed 08.12.2010 15:34:32 »

and does the rk demowatcher work for anyone?

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Mr. Massacre
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UT3 Fick Clan

« Reply #18 on: Thu 09.12.2010 19:37:11 »

Vegas, how does the seekTo option work? it says: seekTo x y z
x - minutes
y - seconds
z -speed at which demo should be played.

well, how do i write it in numbers? seekTo 17 30 1, for example? if it is, it doesn't work. nor with 17301, or 17.30.1

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« Reply #19 on: Thu 09.12.2010 19:42:07 »

Vegas, how does the seekTo option work? it says: seekTo x y z
x - minutes
y - seconds
z -speed at which demo should be played.

well, how do i write it in numbers? seekTo 17 30 1, for example? if it is, it doesn't work. nor with 17301, or 17.30.1

i remeber i did it :
x y z
with space /for your exmple:
"seekTo 17 30 1, for example"

i dont sure about seekto
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