not killing and getting orb as soon as possible so you can be the first one to become titan and spawnkill like hell.
1) Do you play on Titan servers? haha loser.
2) I get orb not to become first, but to help team to win. If i don't pick orb:
a) It stays floating in the air for 3 minutes until smb picks it up
b) Some noob takes it and goes without hoverboard wrong direction.
In both cases:
a) Our team starts losing, almost no chances to get previous situation back
b) Our team loses, I get killed a lot of times trying to get control on our prime node.
As you can see, it is in my interest to carry orb, unless i see some other skilled guy taking it, and he knows what do to.
Let's end this discussion as it is:
1) Wrong thread
2) Not important.